I did my last rafting trip of the year on the Colorado River through Ruby-Horsethief and Westwater canyons from Thursday, October 16 through Sunday, October 19. I had absolutely perfect weather for mid-October with temperatures in the 60's, not a cloud in sight, and none of the brutal afternoon winds that plagued my trip down Ruby-Horsethief last year. I spent the first two days on my own through Ruby-Horsethief and had a great time slowly working my way down the river and teaching myself to flycast. I met up with the rest of the crew on Saturday and we headed down river just barely into Westwater Canyon before spending the night. On Sunday, we blasted through all the major rapids and even managed to have a little adventure while doing so. I don't remember Westwater being as big as it was, and although I ran Skull and the rest of the rapids with great lines, my heartbeat really got going! And things definitely got interesting when Jon partially dislocated his shoulder right when he entered Skull rapid! Everything turned out okay, but it was a handful to get the rafts down the next few rapids and suffice it to say, River dog wound up rafting all by himself once again! All's well that ends well!
Unfortunately, my GPS broke on the first day, so I wasn't able to record a track for this cool trip :-(
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