Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Inexplicable Realities of Life

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
--- Max Ehrmann, 1927
2009 New Year's Resolutions!

As a matter of definition, I consider resolutions to be things that I would be less likely to achieve if I didn't really set my mind to them, and goals to be things that I plan or expect to do during the year.
- Take an aerial photo using the balloon and gimbal system that I have been working on and off again for the past few years. I'm not far from being ready to do it, but like one of my previous posts said, it's one thing to talk about something and it's another thing to do somthing.
- Learn to play the piano! Why? Well, it seems cool, and I always love to see my nephews, sister, and mom playing it. As a possibly practical goal, I want to be able to play Lovers in Japan by Cold Play.
- Bombproof my kayak roll and kayak The Numbers on the Arkansas River. I have let my roll deteriorate and not progress with the rest of my kayaking, and it's time for that to stop. Kayaking the Numbers will be an achievable goal that I should feel comfortable with once I can roll on demand under any conditions.
- Mentor the Fairview Robotics club for the FIRST robotics competition. I'm already underway with this again this year, and I expect to be spending a lot of time working on the new robot and hopefully having a positive impact on these kids.
- Install a Zetec engine in my Westfalia van. I already plunked down the money for the sweet Bostig conversion kit that will allow me as an amateur mechanic to perform a heart transplant for my seriously underpowered Vanagon.
- Attend EJ's kayaking clinic in Ottawa, Canada in July including a road trip with stops in NY and Cape May to visit my family. With my bombproof roll and souped-up van, this will be a great way to take my accomplishments to the bank!
Sunday, December 21, 2008

I have to say that I never would have guessed that I would be spending part of my Christmas vacation in Omaha, much less having a really good time, but I've gotta say it's been a fun, unexpected diversion! Now we'll see if I can finish my itinerary tomorrow...

Friday, December 19, 2008
Gumby Flies Over Boulder!
I felt confident enough to fly with Gumby on the 3rd flight with the live video downlink after just completing this 2nd flight. The new Futaba 7C 2.4GHz RC transmitter worked beautifully and apart from some small video glitches, the EasyStar flew admirably with all the extra weight tacked on! Unfortunately, I didn't heed the lower battery warning signs and wound up with a broken plane. Oh well, nothing a little CA glue can't fix! Enjoy the flying!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
In Search of Treasure

Garmin Vista Cx Memory Card Usage

Finally, it's worth noting that to ensure the GPX tracks are actually recorded to the microSD card, you need to select the Track Menu, then Setup, then Data Card Setup, and finally make sure the checkbox is selected next to Log Track To Data Card.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My first attempt at FPV flying!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My first Easy Star flights!

Take a look at this playback animation of my last flight which consisted primarily of unpowered gliding high above the ground. Be sure to choose Satellite and Large within the Google map frame, select the playback speed to be 0.5x or 1.0 x, and hit the Play button! Pretty darn cool!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Rafting Ruby-Horsethief and Westwater Canyons

Unfortunately, my GPS broke on the first day, so I wasn't able to record a track for this cool trip :-(
Photo album
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Autumn Hike in Golden Gate Canyon State Park

Monday, September 29, 2008
Vinnie's Wedding
Photo album (Photos courtesy of Joe Mure)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Autumn Hike in Rocky Mountain National Park

Photo Album
GPS Track at Motionbased.com
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Steamboat Springs- Labor Day 2008

We all made it to camp at different times on Friday night, and some of us had some real excitement (not the good kind) trying to find blind Sierra dog who wandered into a deep ravine near camp just before dark. On Saturday, we went for a beautiful hike between Summit, Jonah, Whale, and Martha Lakes near Buffalo Pass. I would hikely recommend the hike, but since most of the hike required route finding away from trails, I would recommend a good map and compass. At the end of the day, Richele, Amanda, and I soaked our muscles in Strawberry Hot Springs before returning to camp for another great dinner by the campfire.

Pat & Richele's Photos
Matt & Antonia's Photos
GPS Track Log (GPX File)
Google Earth Track with Photos (KMZ File)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Brown's Canyon with Richele!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Matt & Antonia's Wedding

Monday, July 14, 2008
Pumphouse River Rafting

Monday, July 7, 2008
Wyoming Road Trip 2008
I finally gotten around to writing up a description of our road to Wyoming in July and posting photos. The write up is pretty long, so I decided to add some links to photos and other goodies right at the beginning of the post but I hope you end up reading all about our trip!
I also finally got around to publishing a book on Blurb.com and am really happy with the results, so I added a link to that here also. And of course, I was not only armed with two digital cameras, but also with my trusty GPS and SPOT, so I have included detailed tracks of our backpacking trip and an overview map in Google Maps.
Hope you enjoy and maybe you'll be inspired to go visit Yellowstone and the Tetons yourself!
Photo Album
Blurb Book
Google Map
GPS Track Log (GPX File)
Google Earth Track with Photos (KMZ File)

Our trip began with a late departure from
The ranger station was about to close when we finally arrived in the park and we desperately wanted to get our backcountry permit, so we could begin our backpacking early the next day. But as it turned out, fate didn't want us to be so expedient.

We tried to get going early Sunday morning and wound up speaking to a wonderful ranger who echoed the fact that it was a bit early in the season to explore much of the park. After a bit of conversation, we decided on a favorite hike of his through the

The following day, we got a late-ish start around 11am and finally saw a few people on the trail. There was a ranger cabin on the other side of Hellroaring Creek where a group of rangers had been staying, presumably dealing with our nemesis the bear. The trail began a detour from the creek across from our camp and began to ascend the hillsides through wide open meadows. Although beautiful, the heat from the sun, then mosquitos, then the threat of our bear-friend, and finally concern of lightning resulted in a more challenging hike than we had anticipated. This whole backpacking thing was tough! We finally stopped for a bite to eat at the highest elevation of the trail, so I took out the map to figure out where we were and still had to go. My heart skipped a beat when I realized we were in

Within a few hours, we were exploring the various hiking trails and views of the Upper and
As if we had not done enough that day, we then headed down to
On Thursday, we sadly left
On July 4th, we expected to kayak another stretch of the
It was hard to believe that on Saturday, July 5, our trip was almost over, but we still had a great day available to kayak the whitewater stretches of the Snake River downstream from
That evening, we made our way up into
On Sunday, we finally pulled away from our camp to head back to-
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wyoming vacation follow along

Richele and I head up to Wyoming this Friday for a little over a week of backpacking, kayaking, and playing in the Yellowstone/Teton National Park region. If you are interested in where we are, I will be checking in with my Spot satellite messenger (see previous post) on a daily basis, so you can see whether we are car camping or hiking near grizzlies, bison, and geysers in the Yellowstone backcountry. Just check out my Spot map page to see our recent locations.
(Note: The Spot site was down as I wrote this, but I hope it will be active by the time the trip begins...)
Brown's Canyon at 3550 cfs!
This past Saturday which happened to coincide with the Summer Solstice and a nearly full moon, I headed down to the Arkansas River with Matt Ewald, Lou, Andy W. , and Andy S. to celebrate the last weeks of Matt's single days. We decided to take my raft down Brown's Canyon as a paddle rig, never mind the fact that I had never really paddle guided before or that the water was raging at a season high 3550 cfs!

Wow, we were all really quite shaken up from the experience, but we all sort of kept it to ourselves which resulted in a very uncomfortable silence as we then scouted Zoom Flume and ate our sandwiches. Watching rafts go through Zoom Flume made us question being on the river that sunny afternoon, but then I bumped into John Leventhal and got enough encouragement to rally the troops for a run through the rapid. It turned out that our fears of Zoom Flume were much worse than reality. We set ourselves up on a perfect line and crashed down through the center of the rapids with all of us remaining in the boat! We stopped at the next eddy, drank a beer, and celebrated our successful run through the intimidating rapid. The rest of the rapids continued similarly in a successful fashion, although our heart rates and attention levels stayed high for fear of what would happen otherwise.
When we reached the Hecla's Junction take-out, it seemed wise to stop and gather some information about Seidel's Suckhole, which was just down river and the most formidable rapid of Brown's Canyon. Everyone said that you run it left at this water level and that it is quite forgiving. Forgiving? That's the kind of expression that is used when you go to meet your maker, but after my encounter with this rapid last year, I might have to agree that it was the correct expression. We forged on, determined to finish the run, and after two stops on river right to scout the rapid, we finally approached the beast. We ran it river left, just like everyone had indicated, and we crashed directly through the huge wave that forms in place of the hole at this high water level. Just like that, our collective stress level dropped, but around the corner we faced one last challenging rapid that nearly bent the raft in half and that got our hearts pounding once again. At around 6 pm, we floated under Stone Bridge leaning back into the raft to avoid decapitation (The bridge has to be portaged at 4000 cfs, and there was barely enough room to clear under it at this level.) and finally stepped onto dry land at the take-out! We celebrated once again with beers, packed up, and proceeded back to Buena Vista and the national forest for more beers over a big bonfire.

Monday, June 16, 2008
FIBArk 2008

The weekend really couldn't have gone much better and it all started with a lunch worth of free samples at the Safeway Grand Reopening and then me winning an iPod Shuffle in the checkout line! Shortly after that, we met our kayaking hero Eric Jackson! Not only did he insist that we take out two of his Hero line of kayaks (hmmm, maybe he was the one playing up the whole hero thing...), but he also sang You Got Legs to Richele! Let's just say that I've been wanting to meet EJ for the past several years, so this was a real treat for me. So then we geared up in our kayak attire, grabbed the two big, purple kayaks (Barney the dinosaurs) and plopped into the middle of the kayak course and competition right after Assad went by us! Neither of us had kayaked this stretch from Salida to Rincon and all we really knew of it was that there was a Class III rapid called Big Bear. A short while later after getting somewhat used to our borrowed purple dinosaurs, we encountered a turbulent maelstrom (well it felt that way!) of waves crashing from every direction! We both made it through without flipping, but we were both very surprised by the power of high water on the river. After a quick eddy break, we entered the main stretch of Big Bear rapid and I turned to my left to see Richele heading almost into the big hole that gives the rapid its name! The look on her face as she skirted the giant beast could only be described as awe, although a few beers would bring out many other names during the rest of the evening! At the end of the run, our luck continued as we immediately found a ride for us and our boats back to Salida with some nice folks in a big, ole Suburban. Once back in Salida, we got to watch the Hooligan Race, drink some beer, wander around the festival, listen the Hell's Belles, and watch part of the Pro Rodeo that EJ was competing in. Maybe it was winning the slalom competition or the boater cross or the fact that he was competing against athletes half his age that led EJ to finish second in the rodeo. But after it was all finished, he couldn't even stop playing. He got back into the hole under the spot lights and proceeded to out-do his previous moves all without a paddle, AND I was lucky enough to capture it on my little digital camera and get it posted on Youtube! So check out EJ with and without paddle tearing it up under the lights at FIBArk 2008!
Hand Surfing Video
Loop, Cartwheels, & More