Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zetec mounted in the van!

It was another long day and a great conclusion to the weekend to be able to see the Zetec mounted in the van!

There was a lot of incidental work like figuring out how to take apart (put back together) CV axles, mounting brackets in the engine bay, transferring equipment to the new transmission, and finally mating the transmission to the engine. Fortunately, Joe came over and helped me, and since he has already been through the process, it was much, much easier. Finally at about 7pm , we got the engine and transmission up and bolted into the van without support from the engine hoist. There is still a lot to do before turning the ignition key, but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Check out another video diary from today's efforts.

Bostig Engine Conversion Write-Up

1 comment:

Unknown said...

pat, how are you liking your vanagon now? I'm sure that any swap of engines will be extraordinarily wonderful for the first few days/weeks/months of the swap. How does your Bostig work now, and how were the guys at Bostig? did you have any problems? I've got so many questions for you since I want to swap out my engine.